Announcing Mental Health Days at MTO Agency


More than four in 10 employees (44%) say they are more burned out on the job today compared to a year ago.

As values-based organizations, it's important that we are always looking at ways we can do better for our community of customers, clients, vendors and critically - our teams.

After a year and a half of dealing with COVID and no clear end in sight, leaders are dealing with an increasingly burnt out workforce. Everyone is exhausted from the fear and stress of COVID, the social and political turmoil we have all endured. Add the natural disasters of fire, smoke and hurricanes and it's easy to see why workers are struggling. Working parents of small children are one of the groups I see with the most challenges as schools open and close and children need more attention.

We have been reflecting on how we can continue creating a Whole Human approach to our team and have decided to start rolling out Mental Health Days. We will be finding 1-2 days per month for our team to have an additional Friday off so they can either take the day off or catch-up on work uninterrupted.

When we announced this new program, of course, we had 100% positive feedback from our employees and even a "I feel like you did when you were a kid and your parents told you they are taking you to Disneyland." :)

As a leader, it feels great to be able to provide something to our team members that feels so good to them as they have all been SUPERSTARS giving to MTO and our clients selflessly throughout such a very hard time in the world.

Please, feel encouraged to consider whether adding some mental health days for your team might be just the thing your team needs to be more productive and resilient!

Posted on August 6, 2021 and filed under Conscious Leadership.